P. Michelle, G Duby-et-l-imaginaire-Écran-de-la-féminité., and C, Histoire, femmes et sociétés, mis en ligne le 05 juillet 2005, consulté le 03 avril 2016, p. 312, 1998. Ithaca :. Cornell University Press, 2006 Hardcover. Dustjacket. 288 pp-In Infamous Commerce, Laura J. Rosenthal uses literary and historical sources to explore the meaning of prostitution from the Restoration through the eighteenth century, showing how both reformers and libertines constructed the modern meaning of sex work during this period. From Grub Streets lurid whore biographies to the periods most acclaimed novels, the prostitute was depicted as facing a choice between abject poverty and some form of sex work. Prostitution, in Rosenthals view, confronted the core controversies of eighteenth-century capitalism: luxury, desire, global trade, commodification, social mobility, gender identity, imperialism, self-ownership, alienation, and even the nature of work itself. In the context of extensive research into printed accounts of both male and female prostitutionx2015;among them sermons, popular prostitute biographies, satire, pornography, brothel guides, reformist writing, and travel narrativesx2015;Rosenthal offers in-depth readings of Samuel Richardsons Clarissa and Pamela and the responses to the latter novel including Eliza Haywoods Anti-Pamela, Bernard Mandevilles defenses of prostitution, Daniel Defoes Roxana, Henry Fieldings Tom Jones, and travel journals about the voyages of Captain Cook to the South Seas. Throughout, Rosenthal considers representations of the prostitutes own sexuality desire, revulsion, etc. To be key parts of the changing meaning of the oldest profession. English text. Condition : as new. Mailorder only-Alleen verzending mogelijk. Condition : as new. ISBN 9780801444043 The Status of Prostitutes and Pimps as Roman Citizens La p ratiq ue de la prostitution pe ut dér anger, non sans raison: les va-e t-vient d es voitures dans une rue de quartier résidentiel à 3 heures du matin; les seringues souillées qui traînent-en passant, les personnes prostituées ne sont pas seules responsables des seringues qui traînent-la peur, pour certaines fe mm es, dêtre c onfo n dues ave c d es prostituées. Finn, Michael R. Hysteria, Hypnotism, the Spirits, and Pornography. Fin-de-Siècle Cultural Discourses in the Decadent Rachilde. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2009 Print. Séminaires, VII, Jacques Lacan, éd. JAM, 9 janvier 1963, p. 19 Entre trouver un mari comme le font certaines ou se prostituer, pourquoi jugez-vous que pour ces femmes la frontière est floue? Au bout du compte, la prohibition sappuie sur une hypothèse clé, à savoir que les sanctions pénales sont un moyen indispensable pour réduire le nombre dhommes et de femmes qui font métier de la prostitution. This respect, those excluded from marriage such as the syphilitics formed a miserable people Navigation plus conviviale Niveau 3: Un pas de plus Une navigation plus conviviale Permalink: Dramatizing whoredom : prostitution in the work of Tennessee Williams moving wall, articles from the year 2002 are available. Terms Related to the Moving Wall Fixed walls: Journals with no new volumes being added to the archive. Absorbed: Journals that are combined with another title. Complete: Journals that are no longer published or that have been In France, a geolocation site for prostitutes worries the police La loi sur les techniques de diagnostic prénatal Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Regulation and Prevention of Misuse Act a été adoptée par le parlement le 26 juillet 1994 IPS 10 août 1994 et est entrée en vigueur en décembre 1994 The New York Times 27 août 1994; Chicago Tribune 11 déc. 1994; The Gazette 9 janv 1995. En vertu de cette loi, qui est appliquée à léchelle nationale, les personnes reconnues coupables de faire de la publicité pour le test de détermination du sexe ou qui travaillent dans un centre où ce service est offert sont passibles dune amende denviron 320,00 US et dune peine demprisonnement de trois ans ou moins IPS 10 août 1994; The New York Times 27 août 1994. Seules les femmes qui sont âgées de plus de 35 ans ou qui détiennent un certificat attestant quelles doivent subir ce test pour des raisons médicales, sont autorisées à le subir; les femmes qui subissent le test simplement pour déterminer le sexe du foetus peuvent être poursuivies en justice et condamnées à une amende ou emprisonnées ibid. During the British in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, it was initially fairly common for British soldiers to frequently visit local Indian dancers. Likewise, Indian seamen taken to the also frequently visited the local there. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, thousands of women and girls from and Japan were also into, where they worked as prostitutes servicing both British soldiers and local Indian men. Legal status Barbara Sullivan, The Politics of Sex: Prostitution and Pornography in Australia since 1945, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K, 1997, p. 206 Traduction Zheng, Tiantian, Red Lights: The Lives of Sex Workers in Postsocialist China, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2009. Became the center of a lobby which role was of a tremendous importance Ashgate Publishing Limited, UK, 1997. First Edition, Hardcover. Fine Condition. 9781859725399 286 Pages. This work documents an investigation of the construction of the prostitute in the British and Irish broadsheet press over a five-year period 1987-1991. It seeks to connect the fields of research in prostitution, the study of media processes, and the study of discourse in everyday life. Book Description: This work documents an investigation of the construction of the prostitute in the British and Irish broadsheet press over a five-year period 1987-1991. It seeks to connect the fields of research in prostitution, the study of media processes, and the study of discourse in everyday life. Size: 21.8 x 15.2 x 2 cm. 286 pages. Multiple copies available this title. Quantity Available: 2. Category: Reference; Hardbacks; ISBN: 1859725392. ISBNEAN: 9781859725399. Inventory No: X104-1377-A husband has an obligation to provide a house for his wife or wives, to support them and his children; sometimes considered as capable of causin diseases especially in women whose genital organs